mandag, juli 23, 2007

Skænk din Grav en tanke

“Put aside your pride,
Set down your arrogance,
And remember your grave”

- Sayyidina Ali ibn Abu Talib (Må Allah være med ham)

Ingen ved hvornår livet slutter og hvornår man ender i sin egen grav udover den Alvidende. Livet vil, fortsætte efter døden - man vil vende tilbage til sin Skaber. Tænk på dine gerninger, på dit liv, Er du klar til møde din Skaber? Det tror næppe man nogensinde ville være. Derudover kan man forøge sine gode gerninger, handlinger osv. Tænk på din grav og tænk lige på hvor hurtigt tiden flyver afsted.

"Er sten, mudder og guld lige værdige?"

Engang spurgte nogen Jesus (alayhis salam):"Hvordan er du i stand til at gå på vandet?"

Jesus svarede, "Med vished."

Derefter sagde andre, "Jamen vi besidder også vished!"

Jesus spurgte dem, "Er sten, mudder og guld lige værdige i jeres øjne?"

De svarede, "Selvfølgelig Nej!"

Jesus svarede, “Det er de i mine.”


Fra “Walk on Water The Wisdom of Jesus” by Hamza Yusuf

Lev Livet for Din Skaber

"If we are not living for our Lord, relying on His guidance and help, and trusting in His wisdom, we will find it very difficult to negotiate our way through this world" - Imam Zaid Shakir

lørdag, juli 21, 2007

Accept af Guds vilje

Profeten (Guds fred og velsignelser være med ham) sagde; Allah, Den ophøjede siger: "Oh Søn af Adam! hvis du fra første fremfærd bærer ulykker med tålmodighed, og fortrøstningsfuldt accepterer Min vilje, vil Jeg ikke være tilfreds ned at give dig mindre beløning end Paradiset"

Berettet af Ibn Majah

Ofte går man hårde tider i møde, men det vigtigste er hvordan man vælger at håntere tingene for at komme igennem de dårlige tider og over dem således man kan opleve livets sødme og klare sig igennem på bedste vis.

Livet er ikke det samme uden ulykker, dårlige oplevelser m.m. Man lærer tålmodighed, ydmyghed samt at have en stærk tillid til Gud, og intet er smukkere end tillid til Gud i islam, for Gud prøver sine skabninger ad for derefter at belønne dem.

Bag enhver handling er der sandlig visdom, og denne visdom er nogen gange synlig for os andre gange må man blot tage det sure med det søde. Man skal acceptere Guds vilje uanset hvad, for Gud skabte mennesket og er Kongen over Alt og Alle. Foruden alt dette, så er det Gud Alene der ved bedst. Skabningen ved næppe, bedre end dens Skaber.

fredag, juli 20, 2007

O Mankind!

The Commander of the believers, our master Ali ibn Abi Talib (may Allah ennoble his countenance) said, “I have selected from the noble Torah twelve statements, and I reflect on these statements daily; Allah Most High says: 1. Mankind! Never fear any devil or king as long as My reigns endure. 2. Mankind! Never be worried about our food as long as you find My treasuries full. My treasuries never decrease, nor will they be depleted. 3. Mankind! When you become helpless in any affair, call upon Me, and most certainly, you will find Me. I am Bestower of all things and all goodness. 4. Mankind! Be assured that I regard you as My friend. You, therefore, befriend me. 5. Mankind! Do not cease to fear Me until you have crossed the bridge (on the day of judgment). 6. Mankind! I have created you out of dust, blood clot, and sperm. I was not without perfect power when creating you, so how then should I be without perfect power to feed you? Why, then, do you seek from others?

[The Path of Perfection]

"The wise man knows that the only fitting price for his soul is a place in paradise..."

“Do not use your energy except for a cause more noble than yourself. Such a cause cannot be found except in Almighty God Himself: to preach the truth, to defend womanhood, to repel humiliation which your Creator has not imposed upon you, to help the oppressed. Anyone who uses his energy for the sake of the vanities of the world is like someone who exchanges gemstones for gravel. There is no nobility in anyone who lacks faith. The wise man knows that the only fitting price for his soul is a place in Paradise…”.

Imam Abu Muhammad Ali ibn Hazm

"O Azrael! Take my soul!"

When the angel of death came to take the soul of Abraham the latter said, “Have you ever seen a friend take his friend’s life?” God answered him, “Have you ever seen a friend unwilling to see his friend?” Then Abraham said, “O Azrael! take my soul!”

Taknemmelighed til Skaberen

If someone gave you a beautiful, expensive new hat, wouldn’t you be grateful for the generous gift? But shouldn’t you be even more grateful for the One Who gave you the head to put that hat on.

Shaykh Muzaffer Ozak

søndag, juli 15, 2007

"Hjertet er Allahs jord, la illaha illaLlah er dets frø"

O Sweet and Beautiful Madani...

In the name of Allah do I begin.
The Most Merciful, The Most Kind.

For it was Allah, who delivered the Best of Creation,
To the whole of Mankind.

How great is His favour, for us to see.
For Truth has arrived, and falsehood will flee.

May every blessing be upon thee, O sweet and beautiful Madani.

No sweeter man has there ever been.
None more honest and serene.

Your blessed feet have visited the Arsh.
Thou art Allah’s light upon this darkened Farsh.

Your sweat is sweeter than the scent of a rose.
Upon your honour, do I compose this prose.

May every blessing be upon thee, O sweet and beautiful Madani.

Your City is the one with grandeur and Light,
And the Imams knew it all to be true, upon first sight.

O sweet and precious Madani, with your Sunna I pray,
I might live in harmony.

I long to see the blessed green dome,
For there resides my heart’s true home.

They called it al Munawwarra – the Radiant abode.
For it was when you O Madani, blessed it with your presence and made it your home.

Our Iman is not complete, till for you we have true love.
How can this not be, for you are more radiant than the whitest of doves.

May every blessing be upon thee, O sweet and beautiful Madani.

They all flocked to see, from where the light did come,
Upon thy blessed face did they glance, and be overcome.

In jubilation they sang, “The moon rose over us.”
And the reality was there.

“Undoubtedly there has come to you from Allah, a light and a book luminous.”

The Qur’an reminds me, of the moon that rose over us.
For undoubtedly, it is you O sweet Madani, who was that Light. Delivered to the world, to bring consciousness to a new height.

Indeed, it was lady Amina, who also witnessed this light.
So much so that when she was with child, the sky was so bright.

It were the Sahaba who would often recite and set up camp.
And they related to others, your presence overcame both sun and lamp.

Hassan Ibn Thabit, the Ashiq al-Rasul,
Would often declare that your presence even overshadowed the moon.

O sweet Madani, you have turned our darkness into a guiding Light,

So why dear brothers, do we fight and not unite?

For the Sahaba knew best, and did not commit sin.
If only they now saw, the state that we are in.

The Sahaba described well, the light that they saw.
So why do brothers anger when we agree with what went before?

May every blessing be upon thee, O sweet and beautiful Madani.

You helped me to see, that besides Allah, there is No other Divinity, And for you and yours, I have great affinity.

Without your love, O Madani, my heart is lost, and in a muddle.

Every time I cry, and for thee shed a tear:
I long to see thou, O, to be so near!

You have taught me it is Allah I should fear,
But it is only by loving you, O sweet Madani, that we shall draw near.

O Allah! To Thee do I only pray,
And I thank Thee, for showing me the Way.

For I know that when in despair, or I am lost in my way,
I would repeat, what the Pious Predecessors would also say.

‘Abd Allah Ibn ‘Umar and Khalid bin Walid,
Who will dare declare them of any evil deeds?

In numbness and in pain, even after your passing, O sweet Madani.
They cried out “Ya Muhammad !”

So shall it not suffice for a sinner like me?

May every blessing be upon thee, O sweet and beautiful Madani.

May every moment be spent in saying your Darud.
May I never leave sense, of the Madinan Hadud.

I wish that my destiny, be tied with Madina.
For there is the Prophet, and blessed Sakinah.

May I become a pious servant of Madina.
Fill my heart, O Allah, with the love of the Sayyid of Madina.

For with your love, my heart glides like a kite,
Your radiance has provided me, with a guiding light.

I long to see the day, when I can be near your side.
I will stand and recite Darud.
It will be my honour, and my pride.

Upon you, your ashiqs lavish great praise.
To those who do not understand,
they simply dismiss this as a craze.

I swear by Almighty Allah, that I will never stop,
Reciting your Darud, until the day I do drop.

All praise and worship is for Allah,
For bestowing the honour on me.
Of being from the Umma, of the blessed Madani.

Excuse me if I cry, O Sayyid of Madina.
To behold your radiant face, that the Sahaba used to see.
What an honour it will be, for an unworthy one, such as me.

May every blessing be upon thee, O sweet and beautiful Madani.

Some may claim that you are like any one of us,
But who can claim, to have visited the Arsh?

We say bashr, but respect is also due.
For mankind are like rocks, but a pearl are you.

Why cannot they see, the Magnificence of you, O Madani?
The Imam of the Anbiya, and the Leader of Allah’s Community.

You travelled the Seven Heavens, and your eyes did not lie.
For Jibril could not pass, but you, O Madani, glided by.

How can anyone deny Allah’s love for you, O sweet Madani?
Whose name has He raised above, for all to see?

For it is your blessed name, that is besides Allah’s Majesty.
It has been placed there, for the whole of Mankind to see.

The Lord of the World’s called you Rafun and Rahim. [
But still yet, some cannot see,
The majesty and honour, that Allah has bestowed upon thee!

May every blessing be upon thee, O sweet and beautiful Madani.

They call us mad – our love declared a Bid’a and that which is Something new.
O! If only they understood, what the majnun of Baghdad, Shaykh Shibli knew!

We say to our brothers, who do not know,
That this is the Islam of the Companions, and to this we can show.
How they went at length to show their love and respect.

When the Companions would rush to catch the blessed water,
There would be chaos, and simply no order.

So you see, the Love of Rasul has an exceptional rule -
Love him more than yourself – until then, we are all just fools!

In sha’ Allah, upon us there will be Allah’s Karam,
And you, O Madani, will be our hearts Mehram.

May I one day again, come to your City,
O sweet and precious Madani.
And have true love, like Uways al Qarani

O! Allah, hear the cries of your Ghulam,
Upon Thy blessed, do I send continuous Salam!

May countless blessing be upon thee,
O sweet and beautiful Madani!

Smukt skrevet om Profeten Muhammad (Guds fred og velsignelser være med ham) - må Allah t'laa belønne forfatteren(amin): Aftab Malik

The unseen world

"Everything you see has its roots in the unseen world.
The forms may change, yet the essence remains the same.

Every wonderful sight will vanish, every sweet word will fade,
But do not be disheartened,The source they come from is eternal,
growing, Branching out, giving new life and new joy.

Why do you weep? The source is within you
And this whole world is springing up from it."

- Rumi

lørdag, juli 14, 2007

Guds Sande løfte

Gud Den Almægtige henviser til kapitel 41, vers 53 i Den Hellige Qurân:

We shall show them our signs in the horizons and in themselves, till it is clear to them that it is the truth

Gud vil vise Hans tegn indtil det går op for mennesket at dette er sandheden. Det sande løfte, som Gud har givet og vil fastholde.

fredag, juli 13, 2007

Qurânen om kristne

Profeten Jesus (Guds fred være med ham)er nævnt mange steder i den hellige Qurân. Han (Guds fred være med ham) er nævnt, som et menneske og en syndfri profet. Jesus (Guds fred være med ham) er elsket, respekteret og anerkendt i islam, som et af Guds sendebude.

Om de kristne, der tror på Jesus (Guds fred være med ham) som Guds søn siger Den Hellige Qurân i kapitel 10, vers 68 :

They say, ‘God taken to Him a son.' Glory be to Him. He is all-sufficient; to Him belongs all that is in the heavens and in the earth; you have no authority for this. Do you say concerning God what you do not know?

Al Ære og Lovprisning tilhører Gud, Alene. Gud Den Almægtige ved mere end vi mennesker, vi er det skabte og ikke Skaberen. Gud er velvidende om alt mellem himmel og jord - om det så var et blad der faldt til jorden en efterårs dag eller andet, så ville Gud Den Alvidende vide det.

Fra kapitel 3, vers 64

Say: 'O People of the Book, come to common terms as between us and you: that we worship none but God; that we associate not aught with Him; and do not some of us take others as Lords, apart from God. And if they turn their backs, say: 'Bear witness that we are Muslims’.

Ovenstående vers henvender sig til "people of the book" - på arabisk ahl ul-kitaab - dvs. kristne, der påstår at Jesus (fred være med ham) er Guds søn. Gud er ubegrænset i Islam, Gud er En og har ingen behov for en søn.

People of the Book! why do you disbelieve in God's signs, which you yourselves witness? (3:70)

People of the Book! why do you confound the truth with falsehood and conceal the truth knowingly? (3:71)

Man opnår intet ved at følge tom snak og usandheder. Hvis man virkelig ønsker at opnå en forståelse for hvad man laver på denne jord, og hvad ens formål er - så bør man granske tingene og nå helt indtil kernen.

Profeten Muhammad (Guds fred og velsignelser være med ham) sagde følgende om profeten Jesus (Guds fred være med ham) og andre profeter:

Abu Hurairah reported Allah's Messenger as saying,"I am the nearest of kin to Jesus, son of Mary, in this world and the next. The prophets are brothers, sons of one father by co-wives. Their mothers are different but their religion is one. There has been no prophet between us"

Overleveret af Bukhari og Muslim.

The Religion of Islam af Zain Bhikha

Deen Il Islam- by Zain Bhikha

If you ask me
Why do I stand here
So unafraid
Of everything around me
Proudly I will say
I am a Muslim

If you ask her
Why does she dress that way
All covered up
In a world that gives it all away
Proudly she will say
I am a Muslim

Deen il islam deeni
Wal abdun ghairu deeni
Muhamad deel li hadeeni
Nur il iman
Deen il islam deeni
Wal abdun ghairu deeni
Muhamad deel li hadeeni
Nur il iman

If you ask me
Surely this cannot be
You give your way so free
And you say your life is charity
It isn’t hard to see
I am a Muslim

If you ask him
Why does it hurt so
When he sees injustice
Even though it’s folks he doesn’t know
Tears in his eyes he’ll say
I am a Muslim

Deen il islam deeni
Wal abdun ghairu deeni
Muhamad deel li hadeeni
Nur il iman
Deen il islam deeni
Wal abdun ghairu deeni
Muhamad deel li hadeeni
Nur il iman

If you ask her
Why doesn’t she cry
There’s no one by her side
She’s the only one that’s left behind
Patiently she sighed
I am a Muslim

If you ask him
Why does he still pray
Five times a day
When so many others have strayed
Smiling he would say
I am a Muslim

Deen il islam deeni
Wal abdun ghairu deeni
Muhamad deel li hadeeni
Nur il iman
Deen il islam deeni
Wal abdun ghairu deeni
Muhamad deel li hadeeni
Nur il iman

Deen il islam deeni
Wal abdun ghairu deeni
Muhamad deel li hadeeni
Nur il iman
Deen il islam deeni
Wal abdun ghairu deeni
Muhamad deel li hadeeni
Nur il iman

If you ask me
Why do I love you
No matter where you are
We are the greatest ummah
With the beating of our hearts
We are Muslims

Laillah ha ill Allah
Muhammad dur Rasullah
There’s no God but Allah
Laillah ha ill Allah
Muhammad al Mustafa
Muhammad is His Messenger

Laillah ha ill Allah
Muhammad dur Rasullah
There’s no God but Allah
Laillah ha ill Allah
Muhammad al Mustafa
Muhammad is His Messenger

Laillah ha ill Allah
Muhammad dur Rasullah
There’s no God but Allah
Laillah ha ill Allah
Muhammad al Mustafa
Muhammad is His Messenger

Laillah ha ill Allah
Muhammad dur Rasullah
There’s no God but Allah

Laillah ha ill Allah
Muhammad dur Rasullah
There’s no God but Allah

Laillah ha ill Allah
Muhammad dur Rasullah
There’s no God but Allah

Laillah ha ill Allah
Muhammad dur Rasullah
There’s no God but Allah

lørdag, juli 07, 2007

Sagt om Profeten Muhammad (Sallahu 'alayhi wa Sallam)

After Allah the Great he is great
Lower than his lowest ranks are the great
He is the closest of Allah’s servants to Him
Any who don’t draw close to him aren’t drawn close
Whoever seeks to enter upon Allah through
Any other door shall only be debarred
Whoever loves the Beloved is beloved to Him
And the enemies of the Beloved are His enemies

Imam Ahmad Rida Khan - Må Allâh ophøje ham,
være tilfreds med ham og belønne ham Amin.

Beløningerne i det Hinsides

Et meget meningsfuldt citat af Ibn Qayyîm Al-Jawzîyyah, en islamisk anerkendt lærd:

"Allâh promised you the pleasures of the Herafter, so don't be in hurry and seek them in this wordly life as you are cutting plants before their harvest time, while tehy are much better if you wait. Likewise the pleasures of the Herafter are so much better"

fredag, juli 06, 2007

Har Gud virkelig en søn?

Har Gud Skaberen virkelig en søn? Har Gud overhovedet behov for en søn? Hvad skulle en "Guds søn" kunne gøre, som Gud selv [allerede] ikke kan gøre? Mange tanker udspiller sig, og man bør tænke godt og grundigt igennem, hvis man virkelig brændende ønsker et svar.

Det lyder mærkeligt og absurd at Gud Den Almægtige, skulle have en søn. Hvorfor skulle Gud dog det? Hvorfor begrænser man Guds Magt og attributter?
Sandelig, er Han Alene Gud, Den Almægtige og Den Ubegrænsede.

Muslimen tror på en Gud, En Fulkommen Gud, Perfekt i Sin Essens, og i Sine attributter. Ingen muslim, vil nogensinde påstå at Gud Den Al-mægtige har en søn. Det at man påstår at Gud, Ophøjet være Han, har en søn er en fuldstændig absurd påstand. Skaberen er uafhængig af skabelsen.

Mange kristne henviser foreksempel til Joh. evang. 10:30, hvor Jesus siger følgende:

"Jeg og Faderen, Vi er et"

Hvilket blot betyder at Jesus taler i Guds Navn og ikke at han er Gud.

Eller Joh. evang. 14:9, som de kristne også mener er en bekræftelse på at Gud er en treenig Gud. I Joh. evang. 14:9 siger Jesus:

"Den der har set mig, har set Faderen"

Man kan roligt konkludere, at de kristne åbenbart har glemt det faktum at, der er også en del andre vers, der bekræfter det modsatte.

Et lille udpluk af eksempler, som man kan nævne er:

2. Mosebog 33:20

"...Du får ikke lov at se Mit ansigt for, intet menneske skal se Mig, og beholde livet"

Joh. Evang. 5:37

"Ja, Faderen, som sendte mig, Han har selv vidnet om mig. Hans røst har I aldrig hørt, ej heller har I set Hans skikkelse."

Esajas' bog45:5

"Herren er Jeg, ellers ingen, uden Mig er der ingen Gud, Jeg omgjorde dig, endskønt du ej kender Mig."

Der er al grund til at undre sig over livet, især hvis man ønsker at opnå de rette løfter givet af Gud.

Gud er Unik, ligner ingen og ingen ligner Ham, Ejheller kan Gud samlignes med andet/andre, eller drage parralleler til andre/andet. Gud er ikke begrænset.
Menneskets forstand kan ikke rumme Guds eksistens, men vi kan nærme os Gud ved at følge elske Ham, som den Eneste Hersker og følge det budskab Han skabte til os.

Det samme budskab, som blev prædikeret af såvel Profeten Jesus (fred være med ham) og Profeten Muhammad (Guds fred og velsignelser være over ham) - at Gud er En og ingen behov har for en søn.