tirsdag, december 25, 2007

Ya Allâh

Time has gone and
things have changed


You are the Strong,
Ya Allâh

The lighten Nûr,
never pass away
It stays right here,
Not there and everywhere

Time has gone and
things have changed


You are the Patient,
Ya Allâh

I just have to open up,
and the guiding Nûr
will never stop.

The Name of Yours,
fills my heart with an intense
khushu'u and energy source

Time has gone and
things have changed


You are the Giver,
Ya Allâh

In the darkest night,
are You there, in a time where
nothing can be sight

Time has gone and
things have changed


You are the Hearer,
Ya Allâh

Only the sound of my tears,
under every prostation
You console my fears

"We belong to Allâh and
to Him will we return"

"Inna Lîl Lahî wa Ilayhî Raji'un"

Are the last words of my
heart which will never
changes [InshaAllah].

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